Charlie Pughe (Великобритания)



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    Hey! I'm Charlie Pughe, I'm 14 years old and I live in Bristol. From a very young age I have always been very passionate about writing, arranging and performing my own and other peoples music
    My first song Paradise was probably my inspiration to keep writing and since I've written some good ones some excellent ones but also some terrible ones! I've found in my music that you always have to write about 2 things:
    1. The first thing that pops into your head as your are writing the chords or lyrics.
    2. Don't write utter crap. It always has to come from the heart.
    ​My Grandad had a life rule to live by and it is that it is what you do that defines who you are. Of course i do my music to make myself feel good, but i also do my music to make my family feel proud. To me family is everything and their judgment always comes first.
    Lastly I'm going to ask you to do one thing... it's not for money it's not alcohol or drugs it's just that after you have looked do this; LOOK. THEN. SHARE.
    (from official site)
